歷史與地理 History and Geography 在中國的文化史上有哪四大發現? What four great discoveries have been made in the course of Chinese civilization? 什麼是「九州」? What is jiuzhou? 什麼是「郡、縣」? What is jun and xian? 什麼是「國」? What is guo? 什麼是「道」? What is dao? 什麼是「路」? What is lu? 什麼是「省」? What is sheng? 中國有哪十大風景名勝? What are the ten major scenic sights in China? 人們對中國的部分景點有哪些讚美之詞? What are some popular sayings praising some of China's scenic sights? 中國名山的名稱是怎樣得來的? What are the origins of the names of famous mountains in China? 中國以前有哪些主要朝代? What are the major dynasties of ancient China? 怎樣簡述中國領土和行政區域? Will you give us a brief introduction of the Chinese territory and administrative divisions?
天文與時令 Astronomy and Seasons 中國古代早期的天文發展是什麼樣的情況? What is the early history of ancient Chinese astronomy? 中國古代人們一般怎樣看待天文? How popular was astronomy in ancient China? 什麼是三垣、四象、二十八宿? What are 3 yuan, 4 xiang and 28 xiu? 什麼是上古、中古、三古? What are the Remote Ancient Times, the Middle Ancient Times and the Three Ancient Times? 什麼是陰曆? What is the Chinese lunar calendar? 什麼是「黃曆」和「皇曆」? What are the “Huang Di Almanac” and the “Imperial Calendar?” 什麼是節氣? What is jieqi? 什麼是天干、地支? What are tiangan and dizhi? 什麼是生肖? How does the Chinese Zodiac work?
漢字的產生與演變 Origin and Evolution of Chinese Characters 漢字是怎樣演變的? How have Chinese characters evolved? 你能告訴我一些今體漢字的情況嗎? Could you tell me something about the modern styled characters? 漢字是怎樣構成的? What elements are used to define Chinese Characters? 學習漢字難嗎? Is it difficult to learn Chinese characters? 拼音是什麼時候出現的? When was pinyin introduced?
姓名的由來 Origin of Chinese Names 你能講講有關中國姓氏的來歷嗎? Could you tell me something about the origin of Chinese surnames? 有些早期的姓氏是怎樣出現的? What are the origins of some early Chinese surnames? 什麼是《百家姓》和《千家姓》? What are The Hundred Family Surnames and The Thousand Family Surnames? 請講一講「名」的事宜,好嗎? Please tell me something about Chinese given names. 在中國,常用的稱謂有哪些? What are some common titles and forms of address in China? 「丈夫」這個稱謂是怎樣出現的? What is the origin of zhangfu? 「太太」這個稱謂是怎樣出現的? What is the origin of taitai?
古代婚姻 Chinese Marriage in Ancient Times 怎麼解釋「婚姻」二字? Could you explain the Chinese words hunyin? 中國古代婚姻有什麼禮節? What were the rituals of Chinese marriage in ancient times? 中國不同朝代的婚齡是一樣的嗎? What was legal age to marry in ancient China? 中國古代婦女是為何開始裹腳的? Why did women begin to have their feet bound in ancient China? 以前婦女裹腳的情況是怎樣的? How did the women have their feet bound in ancient China? 婦女裹腳是如何終止的? How was the custom of foot-binding discontinued? 「設男女之大防」是怎樣出現的? How did gender segregation begin?
傳統服飾 Ancient Chinese Clothes 漢代之前的中國傳統服飾是什麼樣式? What did ancient Chinese clothes look like before the Han Dynasty? 自漢朝起古代中國傳統服飾發生了什麼變化? What changes in ancient Chinese traditional clothes have happened since the Han Dynasty? 現在傳統樣式的衣服仍然受歡迎嗎? Are the traditional-sty